Medical Navigation

YWCA Interim House has a Registered Nurse on site to assist residents with navigation of the complicated healthcare system. Residents can gain access to the care needed to maintain health and wellness.
Residents are assessed for any physical, mental or psych-social needs and are helped to gain access to the appropriate resources/disciplines to meet their needs while maintaining privacy and confidentiality.
We work with community partners such as Street Medicine Detroit, Corktown clinic, Wayne State University medical students, Karmanos and the City of Detroit Health Department for ongoing support with needed medical care, health education and screens.
Case Management
is provided to every resident in the shelter. We strive to promote health and wellness as we continue in our efforts to help residents gain access to care, and other resources needed to maintain health and gain success and self-sufficiency upon exiting the shelter.

These services include but are not limited to:
- Housing, employment, healthcare referrals
- Transportation assistance
- Counseling
- Parenting Classes
- Follow-up as needed
Case management is provided:
- Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
- Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon.